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Learning Excellence

What to Expect from an IEL Course

IEL courses are designed to help students develop their English language skills and prepare them for success in academic and professional contexts.

About IEL
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Providing quality education.

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Connect with the world and each other.

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Practical Skills

Problem-solving and critical thinking.

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A Certificate

Provide you with an official certificate upon completion of your course.

500 +

Hours of hands-on learning in our courses

260 +

Students Passed Our Competitions

25 /75

The Ratio of Theory and Practice in Each Course

260 +

We Teach Afghan Women Online

Highest Rated Online Courses

IEL offers a wide range of courses from beginner to advanced levels, and has been rated as the best online course provider by many independent reviewers.

IEL Class

Supporting Student Learning in Peace

We as an organization see our mission to empower Afghan women and girls in Afghanistan by offering education and support to give hope.

  • Learn in-demand skills with over 183,000 video courses
  • Choose courses taught by real-world experts
  • Learn at your own Peace, with lifetime access on mobile and desktop

Help Us to Give Hope to Afghan Women

Basic Plan

$50 per month

  • Establash More Free Classes
  • Hire More Teachers
  • Pay For Student's internet
  • Keeping Our Site Online

Super Plan

$75 per month

  • Establash More Free Classes
  • Hire More Teachers
  • Pay For Student's internet
  • Keeping Our Site Online

Pay What You Like

$00 per month

  • Establash More Free Classes
  • Hire More Teachers
  • Pay For Student's internet
  • Keeping Our Site Online
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